About the album

The Invitation is Isea’s debut album. It is a collaboration with animals of the artic and their wish for humanity to step up. The music incorporates 12 spheres that each represent one of the 12 movements on earth. 6 nature and 6 cosmic.
Over all the music is just extremely powerful to listen or just to relax with. It is something that really transforms you to another place beyond time. It activates your inner light and works as a beacon to guide the way. Each sphere is different yet they all connect. They bring the 12 energies within you in balance.
On a deeper level, the music will connect you to your inner core and reconnect you to what is real for you. It connects to the awareness of who you are. We have experienced that animals also respond to the music tremendously. We have found they will calm and deeply relax when hearing the sounds.
The story
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© 2019 Iseamusic Iris Barkhuysen
Webdesign Blauwe Nacht