About the album

The Invitation is Isea’s debut album. It is a collaboration with animals of the artic and their wish for humanity to step up. The music incorporates 12 spheres that each represent one of the 12 movements on earth. 6 nature and 6 cosmic.

Over all the music is just extremely powerful to listen or just to relax with. It is something that really transforms you to another place beyond time. It activates your inner light and works as a beacon to guide the way. Each sphere is different yet they all connect. They bring the 12 energies within you in balance.

On a deeper level, the music will connect you to your inner core and reconnect you to what is real for you. It connects to the awareness of who you are. We have experienced that animals also respond to the music tremendously. We have found they will calm and deeply relax when hearing the sounds.

The story

Ever since Isea started to work with sound people have asked her if she had an album and her reply was always: the timing is not right yet, but I would love to make an album. In matter of fact the dream of making an album had always been dormant but the way Isea wanted to create music was different from the mainstream music.
Once Isea visited the Artic and was in direct contact with the animals on the artic, that a new idea was born. Isea has always communicated with nature and animals but it was in this contact with the whales of the Artic that she new a message needed to be put into music.
For more information on the journey, click here.
It was after the encouter with the whales, dolphins and polar bears of the artic that she felt an urge to spread the message she had gotten from them.She contacted Kerwin Bradshaw, who perfectly understood and felt the idea.
What was suppose to be a year long journey turned out a three year journey of finding a way to communicate the message into music. On this bumpy road both Kerwin and Isea had to overcome several obstacles but with the faith and determination of both Isea, Kerwin ánd the help of Mayana. The album was finally finished in October 2019.
The dream wasn’t just to finish the album. The dream was that the message from nature would be heard and felt in hearts around the world. For Isea to share her stories and music around the globe.
For this we need your help. We need your help to listen to the music, share the music and spread the message. If you would like to invite Isea to tell more about her story and her music please veel free to contact us. (link naar contact pagina)
For this we all thank you.

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© 2019 Iseamusic Iris Barkhuysen
Webdesign Blauwe Nacht